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Following on from our previous points this gives the investor the ultimate security should the developer default on payments or enter into liquidation. The securities are typically managed by security trustees who are regulated, so they would seize the company’s assets, and ensure that they are sold. The investors would then receive their original investment through the sale of those assets. An investor wouldn’t ever begin to think of investing with a developer unless there was a similar security structure in place to the one I mentioned above. The investor would be extremely vulnerable if such an iron clad structure wasn’t in place, as if the developer did default on payments the investor would be left high and dry with nowhere to go.

Matthew Cullum property sees that looking at past performance patterns and trends, we tend to see a drop in the property market every 10 years or so, which is widely known by property developers. Developers and investors alike will also look to capitalise, once the dip hits its lowest point. That is when they will look to acquire and purchase properties, in the hope to maximise potential profits.

The property market as a whole is a stable sector, prices rise and prices fall, however with the right approach and tactics one can always make substantial profits when buying and selling. Not only is the property itself a major factor when purchasing, the location is equally important. If you had a 3 bedroom house in a run down area full of downtrodden buildings and no amenities, the property may sell for anything between £180,000 - £230,000.

However, if the exact same property were to be situated in an affluent area such as Oxford or Chelsea, the same property would sell for upwards of £800,000, the different is phenomenal.This is why when a developer or an investor is looking to either purchase a plot of land or indeed a property which needs renovation etc, the location is absolutely paramount. This brings me to my point I made earlier, due to the property market going through cycles of peaks and troughs every 10 years or so, investors and developers will always seek to purchase property from affluent areas at their lowest possible price. This gives them scope to then continue with their renovation and upgrades on the property(s), then once the market rises again the profit margin can be very, very high.

Mistakes are made by all private property investors and mistakes are made by developers, you can never get it right every single time. But its important to ensure you learn from others mistakes before ever entering into the sector, this will save a lot of stress and lost capital. The majority of private investors who look to purchase property usually enter into this sector with the view to purchase property and rent the property to tenants. Matthew Cullum offers help and advice to property professionals in all industries.

What you find is the opinion on this subject is split down the middle with investors, from experience a landlord will own several properties at a younger stage in their lives, and after many years of being a landlord they often then look to sell their properties as they have had enough of what it brings. It can become almost like a full-time job for many landlords, not only do they need to vet each and every potential tenant, they also need to ensure they are on hand for the general maintenance of the property should anything go wrong. They also need to be sure that the current tenants are reliable enough to keep up with their monthly rent payments. This can all equate to a very stressful situation, especially when they are dealing with multiple properties.

What Matthew Cullum property blog have learnt from speaking with many owners of multiple properties is that the older they are, the more reluctant they are to continue renting their properties out, and will look to sell their properties on for the easier life. When you look at the younger demographic who own multiple properties, the statistics show that they are far more likely to rent those properties out and give themselves an income based return. Another element to private tenanting that a landlord face, is the vetting of the potential renters. 

There are a lot of private landlords in this country who will allow renters to inhabit their property without the necessary checks, which end up being a nightmare for the home owner. There are cases where the tenants do not properly look after the properties and effectively abuse the interior, which can occasionally fall on the landlords shoulders to rectify out of their own pockets. Going back to property developers and how they operate, another element which can affect their potential profits is using contractors to complete the construction of their project, going over budget or beyond the scheduled completion date. This creates all sorts of issues, especially

If they have already presold units to buyers, who in turn make preparations to move at the agreed date. This can incur penalties and obviously more material and labour costs.

Matt Cullum property blog will provide regular market updates on the property industry.


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Marketing strategies vary, it is important that your business moves with the times as well as your marketing plan and consumer needs. Many companies use third party marketing firms which can accelerate and amplify advertising campaign’s, making it a step by step process, easily understood by even the novice business owner.

Each and every business generally look to offer something unique to consumers, many companies can be offering the same service, but each company will try and offer something different to their rival in an attempt to entice new business to them.

An effective method of drawing new business is offering unique one time offers to new clients, whether it be a reduced rate on insurance, or a fixed monetary sum for switching accounts. These are all forms of marketing, most of the time being extremely effective. One of the more recent versions of modern advertising through the social media channels is paying celebrities to endorse their products, which is inescapable once you are made aware of it. Matthew Cullum blog offers unrivaled help and resources to business owners and marketing professionals.

With all of the most popular applications such as: Instagram, snapchat, Facebook and twitter to name a few, you will find yourself subconsciously bombarded with company products endorsed through well-known public figures, this has proven to be one of the most effective avenues for company advertisement.

If a company is looking to offer a bespoke service regardless of what it may be, they will often use third party lead generation service. They can specify to the generation company what service they wish to offer, which they can then then build a landing page to be mass marketed to the general public. The landing page will usually contain key features of what’s being offered if a potential client wishes to find out more, they can input their personal information into the relevant pages, which is then sent to the company, allowing them to call or email the client with further information, this is one of the most effective forms of gaining new business. The reason for this is that the client who has provided their information has good idea of what’s being offered, as they have looked through the landing page already.

In order to keep old consumers interested in the new and improved marketing techniques, you must ensure that they are kept in the loop too. The method would be to call old clients and talk them through step by step of how social media works and how it can keep them up to date with any production, this way they we will feel they are getting something for free; your time, a bond with yourself as well as a basic understanding of how this new digital promotion works.

Television is still a great way to advertise as well as word of mouth, especially for older clients, however the internet reaches a wider audience and seems the way forward for all modern-day businesses. The key to marketing would be for a business to merge all three advertising platforms together, that way you will have the ultimate promotion pack. Communication plays a major role in marketing to, you are able to build an emotional bond with the client and convey your brands values on a personal level. If you have a sales background this will be something that you are aware of and should come naturally to you.

Television, social media, print media, mobiles and internet all serve as marketing tools. Most people own a mobile phone, this is a great way to reach clients and advertise new products with an enticing promotional text message. When clients visit your website, you can give them the option to subscribe to promotional emails or text messages, this can be done in small print and most people will just tick the box without a thought.

Business owners are always consciously trying to stay up to date with the latest digital trends, notably with the surge in clothing lines. Due to the popularity of the reality tv shows such as love island and Geordie shore, these shows have appealed massively to the younger generation, most of which all use social media apps. Matthew Cullum property marketing information from a Folkestone based business.


The property sector has always been a solid and stable way to make money, if approached correctly with caution and experience. Many people often assume that making profit from property is a straightforward concept, when in fact many fingers have been burnt due to poor planning and going in with the wrong approach. Many developers with many years of experience will have learnt their lesson through many mistakes that they have made, or at least learning from other people’s mistakes. With the settling down of the Brexit fiasco Britain found itself in, property in the UK was viewed as volatile and unpredictable throughout this period. The Brexit issue caused people from every corner of our country to be fearful of what the unknown path ahead of us all looked like.

Since the dust has settled and some solid trends are now becoming apparent in terms of how the future looks for property in the UK, homegrown investors and overseas investors alike are pumping capital back in the property sector in record numbers.

We are currently seeing record numbers of affordable residential housing along with office based developments being constructed in record numbers, which is great news for private and corporate developers all over the world. This has injected immense confidence back into developers and private investors, to finally start looking to move their own development plans along at great speeds. When you look at the trends and statistics relating to the types of property developments being mostly built within the last 5 years, the majority of residential dwellings are mainly linked to purpose-built apartments and affordable housing. There is a huge gap in the market currently for these types of developments, as promised government figures have not been met, thus leaving the door open for private and corporate developers to take advantage of this gap.

Private clients will usually develop one property at a time, as this usually falls within their designated budget, which allows them to focus all of their energy and resources into perfecting one development at a time. They will usually start small at the beginning of their portfolio, perhaps purchasing one or 2 initial properties with the view to renovate and either rent or sell on immediately after. From experience, what I have found is that the older the investor the more likely they are to immediately sell the property on once completed, we find this is due to the fact that renting multiple properties out at a time, comes a lot of hard work and time consuming efforts.

The landlord will need to vet each and every potential tenant, ensure they can keep up with each monthly repayment and also ensure they take good care of the property. Matt Cullum can provide more property rental and market information on request in the form of answers to property queries.

In addition to this, the landlord will need to be on constant standby to deal and rectify any potential eventuality whether it be general maintenance of the property, repairs of broken fixtures and fittings and of course the dreaded boiler. This culminates in a potentially time consuming and stressful situation that an older investor just wouldn’t want to deal with at the latter stage of their life.

How this compares with perhaps a younger investor is that, they would be more inclined to welcome a constant flow of monthly repayments from multiple properties, being younger they would have more energy to be able to stay on top and maintain multiple properties at any one time.

Also, usually you find that younger investors will have to support their young family, so the security of having a solid monthly income gives them the peace of mind that they would crave. When we compare this to an experienced larger development company who have completed many successful developments over the years, they construct properties on a much larger scale as they can afford to pump a lot more money into each project. They will firstly source an affluent location or sought-after area, potentially look to purchase a large plot of land or multiple dilapidated properties in close proximity to one other.

This enables them to complete the renovates or construction within walking distance of each other, allowing them to accelerate construction and focus all of their resources into one area. Matt Cullum blog can help with any property information required in the market today.

This is also an appealing prospect for new buyers, as they would prefer to be surrounded by uniformed properties that have been recently renovated, aesthetic wise. There are several ways larger developers can raise capital to complete and aid construction costs, if they have accumulated vast sums of money from previous developments then they can use that capital to complete each project one by one. However, for a developer still in their early stages of growth, they may choose to open u funding to third party investors. By doing this, this allows private investors to effectively invest their own capital into the company to aid construction costs, resulting in a favorable return paid from the developer upon completion of the project. This also benefits the developer massively as they can raise substantial sums of capital far quicker than if they were to keep applying to banks for loans. 

Matthew Cullum's information for developers usually aim to complete multiple projects throughout each year, so by using third party investors, they can create a pool of clients they can keep going back to year after year, which in turn accelerates construction of the projects. These developers will usually offer the investors security in many forms, the most popular security method is giving them a first legal charge over their assets, should the developer default on payments or enter liquidation. This will be managed by a trustee representative who will manage the assets and securities on behalf of investors, to ensure each investor is repaid their original principle capital through the sale of the company’s assets. The investors become very much like the banks in this scenario, where a bank may offer somebody a mortgage loan, however they would require a first charge over the property the loaner is purchasing, so that if they cannot maintain their monthly mortgage payments, the bank would seize the asset, sell it and regain their capital through the same of the property. This is the same principal with this method of lending for investors, buy-to-let landlords and the developers.


Some of the key processes in developing property will be covered here, this is from start to finish and from the build straight through to the eventual selling of a developed property. There is many processes involved and these can range from structural engineering, chartered surveyor work all the way through to chippies and roofers. Many houses are now used by many different types of people and the structure of these houses comparing greatly, many developers now use timber frame roofs or even fully timber framed house. This is primarily because it's cheaper to build a timber frame them to build with steel and it's come over from the US where pretty much all houses are built using timber frame.

You’ve also got the passive house from Sweden and Denmark where the houses are built very efficiently and cheaply and in some cases prefabricated which can also potentially affect the quality and energy efficiency however they are very eco-friendly and can be considered green. The traditional steel and brick houses are still built and depending on the end value and eventually quality of the build can be a popular choice for developers in all parts of the country.

When it comes to commercial property including offices and warehouse or even hybrid units they usually are steel framed with more commercial outside cladding which could be also steel or corrugated iron or other materials. Commercial property is usually are cheaper to build and you do not have to spend so much money on the interior even if there are toilets and bathrooms the quality of the interior will not be as great as the residential house typically well. But there are many different methods and materials used in the building of commercial property as well as residential.

Before the property is built you will need to be employ a chartered surveyor and also a building surveyor to plot out the ground works. Then you move onto the ground works which usually takes the most time and will bear the most cost but once you're out the ground things will happen much quicker and the costings will decrease. The traditional saying that once you are out the ground you are in a better position and you've broken ground is always true and many projects will fall down at the first hurdle in the ground works. We have seen many instances where developers have miscalculated the cost and difficult nature of the ground work projects and I've had issues with this.

Many houses nowadays are built using underfloor heating which can be quite energy efficient and also a nicer environment then potentially having lots of radiators. This is quite a good element to have in the new home and many people desire this for when they purchased their their house. Other features of new houses can include kitchens with modern appliances smart kitchens and smart systems which can control heating lights and also music. These are reducing in cost as the technology gets better and many houses now are starting to feature these gadgets and also quite desirable.

Even some of the larger house builders including Taylor Wimpey, Persimmon, Crest Nicholson, Bovis and many more are starting to feature these modern elements in their fields. However a recent years there has been a negativity to new build houses from the large developers as the quality has been subject to much negativity and many families are having issues with these houses after a few years and the build quality has been called into question.
The Matthew Cullum Property blog will provide much needed market information and news regarding this area of newbuild houses and you can register for more information on an ongoing basis.

Matthew Cullum Property Marketing

Property development


In this guide to property developing we would suggest for developers to look at the building and surveying aspects of the trade and basic knowledge is a key attributes if you are planning to be involved in the build process. Trying to be a jack of all trades in property development can be the kiss of death for most developers and rather than micromanaging a potential build it would potentially be a better idea to employ professionals in these fields. However one of the best ways to gain this kind of knowledge is to jump in head first and that she tried to develop a property yourself starting with a self build or single build project. Even those with no building experience at all can look at the videos and instructional articles online and get a good idea of how to build a single house.

There's pros and cons to both approaches however as with anything in life if you don't try then you won't know how to proceed. A single build or self build project is a good way to scale up to larger developments and even if you're not involved in the build is going forward simply having that knowledge and experience can be priceless as a developer. Secondly I would recommend reading books on conveyancing and other aspects to get a good background knowledge on how to identify bargain properties and also red herrings. Property developing does require key skills which you can acquire through researching online and looking into all areas of the market.

Having a basic knowledge of construction is very important and the stages of a build must be understood to start develop a property yourself. You need to know how things are put together and tell the difference between certain methods of building. Whether it be a steel construction or timber frame these are very important areas to consider and there are big differences in not only structural elements but also the costs involved. Having a good idea of tradesmen rates is also extremely important and a basic knowledge of the quantity surveying aspect is very beneficial as you will know how much to charge or be charged from certain trades for example a tradesman charging £300 a day in Southeast is not uncommon however there are ways to reduce your costs if you build at scale and they should be looked into thoroughly.

Doing your facts and figures is extremely important and the Matthew Cullum blog always emphasizes the need to do a full development appraisal and have a spreadsheet of all costs and facts and figures before you start your build. Make sure you do your math's correctly before you even consider embarking on a property project and making a purchase as there may be the potential for cost overruns and if there are no contingency is a build could potentially be unfeasible. Other elements such as stamp duty and estate agent fees as well as finance costs can make the budget spiral out of control and drop dramatically affect the build. Sorting out your finance before you even make a purchase is also extremely important and we would always advise for this to be done. There are thousands of finance products on the market and you should go through them or have a competent broker who can look into all of the potential options and find the best deal for you.

Having a basic understanding of the legal side and the role of a solicitor in doing searches on properties and also I'm taking a completion is also important. The solicitors roll cannot be over emphasized and having the correct solicitor on board charging you competitive fees is also important. The legal fees as with other costs can quickly spiral out of control and you need to make sure you are paying the best market rate and getting the best advice from your chosen solicitor. Research the market and find a solicitor which she can meet in person and make sure they are local to you to avoid long trips back and forth to sign documents and so on. Please register to the Matthew Cullum Property blog for more information on all of these key elements in the build project and we will endeavor to provide the most up-to-date information to help you on your build process. 

Matt Cullum's top property marketing blog for industry professionals and teams seeking to grow their business through top marketing strategies.




When it comes to trying to build a property portfolio with no money down starting from zero it's not as simple as many people think. There are a lot of online contributors that aim to make you think that it's an easy process and that you can find deals that require no funding and simply be able to roll your money by refinancing into another deal. Contrary to what many people believe this is a very difficult process and you will need some form of capital and potentially a track record before you embark on a buy to let portfolio.

Everyone dreams of building a property portfolio and having passive income from these buy to let properties however you will need to start with some form of cash or equity. In recent years there have become less products available and certainly none of the hundred percent mortgages that are available pre-credit crunch. However there are other ways to get around this issue and one of these methods can be builder or vendor financing. If you're planning to buy an apartment within the development many times the developer who wish to sell a certain number of units prior to the completion. There are many incentives including vendor financing which can be attained and they will give you the option of purchasing the property for very little or no money down. However at some point down the line you will need to pay full price for the property and at this point refinancing to release capital for more properties can be difficult.

If you're still on the fence about starting a price to let portfolio then they will be worth considering the many options that are on the market, register with the Matt Cullum Property website for more information on new products as they come up. So purchasing a property within a large development will give you access to many incentives not available for normal property purchases. The help to buy scheme is a good one to utilise however really only applies to residential purchases. When it comes to buy to let you may need to look at borrowing money from friends and family to get you started. However if you can provide a decent return to these people there can be a potential business model that can be grown and enable you to build your own portfolio through the lending of money and paying of interest.

Funding your second home or subsequent investment properties is the very tricky part. Prior to the credit crunch there were many buy to let mortgages on the market that went up to 100% loan to value, however now there are much less which gives you the difficulty of being able to refinance the property. Many people now look at refurbishment or extension as a way of adding value to the property and being able to refinance at higher rate. There are banks that specialise in by to let such as precise mortgages, Aldermore, Barclays, NatWest, Elysium and many more. It is important to remember also how are you've managed to finance the first two properties will set you up for the next property purchase. Getting a prior relationship with the bank can be a good thing and many developers and buy to let portfolio builders we often use same banks because of the prior relationship and trust has been established.

The ideal situation for the property portfolio builders is that the first investment properties can fund your next purchase and if you can positively gear your existing properties in the effort of injecting new funds to purchase new ones then your portfolio can potentially grow exponentially. However there is always maximum gearing limits in place which have become much more stringent from the banks upon pressure from the government after the credit crunch. These restrictions on top of the very high tax thresholds which have come into place since 2017 mean that you will most likely be get getting taxed on your turnover rather than profit. This can render many buy to let opportunities unfeasible and potentially unprofitable. 
Register for the Matt Cullum property buy to let guide and we will send you as much information as we can to help you in the buy to let property portfolio building process.